Read the ECONorthwest Report!

Read the ECONorthwest Report!

Read the ECONorthwest Oak Lodge Governance report here!

Last fall, OLGP Steering Committee members began working with ECONorthwest, Tiberius Solutions, Morgan CPS Group and 3J Consulting to credibly explore future governance options for the Oak Lodge area with factual information.

We are pleased to announce that the Big Report, funded by Metro Regional government, is now finished and available for our community to read and explore!

The report evaluates three options: remaining unincorporated, annexing into the city of Milwaukie or becoming a new city.

The big takeaway from the big report“New governance options appear financially feasible. The evaluation of fiscal impacts shows the study area would generate substantial revenues in either the annexation or incorporation option.”

As we’ve said all along, this report is seen as a starting point to inform and spark the community conversations that will help us collectively determine our area’s future—whether staying the same, annexing or incorporating into a new city. And that different parts of the community may want different things.

We’re excited to begin having those conversations grounded in credible data!

The slides used in the Zoom presentation: OLGP Big Report Presentation 10_9_21

Clackamas Review article on Oak Lodge Governance Report here.